
The Sexual Risk Avoidance Education is a holistic curriculum presented by highly trained, experienced Educators who will empower youth with the information needed to help them make healthy, wise daily choices. Much emphasis is placed on understanding consequences of high-risk behaviors and the numerous benefits derived from abstaining from all high risk acts including the urgency to abstain from sexual activities until entering the bond of marriage.
RE-SET: an age-appropriate program that informs children about the importance of making healthy choices early in life and encouraging them to seek identity, and value in positive relations. Children learn foundational principles such as, Saying No, Choices, Consequences, Dealing with Feelings, etc.
BRIDGING THE GAP: an age appropriate program to help youth better understand relationships with family and friends while teaching the importance of setting standards and commitments to the next stage of life.
TEEN STRAIGHT TALK: Our standard core program centers on the consequences of high-risk behaviors while focusing on personal worth, good judgment and clear decision-making. Abstinence is reinforced as a boundary from all high-risk behavior to promote a moral and healthy lifestyle. Students learn steps to building a firm foundation with emphasis on critical thinking, allowing them to explore all sides of their personal choices.
HOLISTIC LIVING (guided parenting program) Often parents may feel ill equipped to deal with many tough issues pressing on our youth.The WOW-HL program provides the information and tools with which they can address those issues with confidence.
PARENTS FOR CHANGE : Through the development of parent support groups, working relationships are built among the members that encourage healthy family interaction and promote increased quality family life, which ultimately leads to healthier life choices.
STRAIGHT TALK FOR PARENTS (parental education) Education starts at home. Parents are a child’s first and most influential role model. Straight Talk for Parents educates parents on the different parenting styles, techniques and effects in an effort to build stronger, healthier relationships.

"The teenage dating scene can be intense and full of drama — from exciting new relationships to painful breakups and ruined friendships. As parents, we want our daughters to mature and engage in healthy relationships, so it's important for us to help them navigate these experiences so they will be prepared for that one most important, committed relationship down the road."-Focus on the Family